The PureEdge Viewer 6.5 allows users to view, fill, digitally sign, save, submit, and print e-forms. The PureEdge Viewer opens files with the extension “. Pure Edge will be the only product for which APD will provide technical support. After the transition period, APD will remove FormFlow and FormFlow 99 formats from the forms library currently being accessed on the APD website, and the AKO and Army Home Pages. Once the full inventory of Pure Edge forms is available in the forms library APD will announce a transition period of 6 months for The Army to fully install and implement the PureEdge forms and technology. APD will continue to make non-fillable PDF files available. In addition, once the DD forms are converted, the files will be provided to the DoD forms manager for posting on the DOD website.

The entire forms library (which can currently be accessed today on the APD website, and the AKO and Army Home Pages) is being converted to PureEdge and the converted forms will be added to the library as they become available. I sometimes get invitations as attached ics files in outlook -but I really only have access to my account through Outlook Web Access, rather than through Outlook running locally. Online ICal viewer (ICS, ICalendar files) Just drag and drop or choose ics, ical files to view contents of the file. FormFlow Filler will continue to be available to users until such time as the inventory of Army forms has been converted to the new PureEdge format. This agreement covers all Active Army (military, civilian and contractors), Army Reserves, Army National Guard Bureau, and any Government or civilian users conducting official Army business. FCMP provides the Army with an enterprise-wide license for the PureEdge Viewer 6.5. Overview: As part of the Forms Content Management Program (FCMP), the Army Publishing Directorate (APD) has selected the PureEdge Viewer as a replacement for FormFlow Filler and as the new Army standard for electronic forms software.